There’s nothing worse than feeling too stressed to do anything about your stress.

You probably know that unchecked stress and burnout can wreak havoc on your health, sleep, hopes & dreams, work & earning potential, most important relationships.

But that same stress is making you feel too powerless, overwhelmed, frozen, or shut down to do anything about it. Which probably makes you more stressed out… 

Stress and burnout have a way of taking over everything.  

And when you don’t feel like yourself, it can feel nearly impossible to find the strength to make a change.   

If this is you, you’re not a failure! There’s a fundamental reason many people stay stuck in stress and burnout despite their best efforts to climb out of the pit. And no amount of positive thinking or self help books will ever do the trick. 

That’s because there’s something more powerful keeping you trapped in a chronic stress or a state of burnout. And it’s running (and maybe ruining) your life without your knowledge or permission!

When chronic stress or burnout have you feeling stuck, you need a simple, powerful strategy that actually addresses the underlying problem so you can finally break free and create the lasting freedom you crave.

What is the Regulation Accelerator?

The Regulation Accelerator is an evidence-based, therapist-created mini course that empowers you to attack what’s keeping you stuck in a stress cycle so you can feel better faster.

This seven day course is designed to equip and empower you quickly while setting you up for ongoing, long-term success with stress recovery.

In the Regulation Accelerator you’ll learn:

  • How to recognize and understand the ways your stress shows up and what it’s saying
  • How to break free from the old patterns that keep you stuck in a state of stress
  • How to build a new, healthy relationship with stress so you can FEEL BETTER for the long run

When stress has you immobilized and unsure where to begin, this course is designed to be the first step in your recovery process. In about 20 minutes a day, you’ll be taking the small steps that add up to big results.

What’s Inside Regulation Accelerator?

7 Days of daily, short video lessons

These lessons will build the critical foundation you need in order to become confident and skilled in handling your stress. 

The Affect Thermometer Info Guide

You’re a unique person, and a one size fits all approach won’t work. The Affect Thermometer is a simple but powerful key I developed to help you decode your own nervous system and interpret how stress is speaking to you through your individual body. 


The Affect Thermometer Printable Worksheets

These worksheets are for daily use as you work through the material. Get out of your head and onto paper as you process your experience. Track your progress and see your own growth!

Exercises and Strategies for Stress Management

Follow along with me in video exercises where you’ll learn new strategies to replace the ones that aren’t working. These exercises are evidence-based and effective for creating a stress resilient life. 

With the Regulation Accelerator you can

  • Work within your busy schedule

  • Follow a done-for-you roadmap

  • Build stress a recovery strategy that lasts

Is This Right For Me?

This course is for you if you if:

  • You are a human being experiencing lots of stress or burnout
  • You are tired of quick fixes or bandaids and are ready for lasting transformation
  • You’re ready to get back to joy, connection, and meaning in life
  • You want to be your best self– for you and those you love

This course is NOT for you if:

  • You want short term, feel-better-for-now fixes
  • You want to keep doing what you’re doing (and therefore getting the same results your getting)
  • You’re not a fan of affordable, effective help

A Guide You Can Trust

Renee Thompson, MA, LMHC, CPC

These days anyone can call themself a coach and make themself out to be a self-help guru. It can feel scary and confusing to know who to trust, especially online.

Hi, I’m Renee Thompson. I’m a licensed mental health counselor in private practice and a certified professional coach. I help people everyday to overcome the effects of traumatic and chronic stress and burnout and reclaim a life they love.

Not only do I have years of clinical experience as a therapist, but I’m also someone who has personally experienced and recovered from the effects of chronic stress and burnout. I know first hand what it’s like to be overwhelmed, overextended, and just plain over it. And I’ve done, and still actively practice, what it takes to have a healthy relationship with stress.

Anyone who tells you they have eliminated stress for good and will help you do the same is selling you snake oil. Stress is an inevitable part of life. We can’t be free from stress completely. What we can do, however, is learn how to work with our stress response so we’re the one in charge of it, rather than the other way around.

I’m on the path too, friends, and I’m offering my hand out to you as a professional mentor and guide. I’d be honored to be your partner on your road to stress recovery.

Let’s do this thing, together!

Renee Thompson

Does This Sound Like You?

  • Over responsible, overworked, over stretched

  • Doing ALL the things for ALL the people while resentment builds up

  • Longing for the version of yourself that used to have fun

  • Lost the passion you once had for your work

  • Feeling guilty about having no energy for your kids, partner or friends

  • Sick of feeling edgy, irritable, or jumpy

  • Feeling like nothing has meaning any more

These are some telltale signs that you’re past your limits and need support. You don’t have to stay miserable. Change is simpler than you think.

There’s no better time than now to start.

Let’s get to feeling better soon, together.